Corporate Digital Responsibility and Digital Transformation – Anchoring, Communicating, Accompanying

  • Presentation
  • 12. November
  • 11:00 - 11:45 AM (CET)
  • Channel C
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  • Karine Rübner

    • Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.


Viele Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Branchen befinden sich mitten in der digitalen Transformation und befassen sich bereits mit Themen wie „digitale Verantwortung“ und „digitale Ethik“. Andere wiederum praktizieren bereits andere Maßnahmen, ohne diese bisher im Kontext der „Corporate Digital Responsibility“ (CDR) zu verorten. In Anbetracht der rasant wachsenden Relevanz von CDR – z.B. durch anstehende Regulierungsinitiativen auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene – wird es Zeit, darüber nachzudenken, wie sich ein einheitliches Verständnis von CDR in der Unternehmskultur verankern und der akute und kommende Change kommunikativ begleiten lässt.

Many companies in different industries are in the midst of digital transformation and are already addressing issues such as "digital responsibility" and "digital ethics". Others, however, are already practicing other measures without yet locating them in the context of "corporate digital responsibility" (CDR). In view of the rapidly growing relevance of CDR – e.g., due to upcoming regulatory initiatives at the national and European levels – it is time to think about how a uniform understanding of CDR can be anchored in corporate culture and how the acute and upcoming change can be accompanied by communication.


Der Vortrag gibt einen Erstimpuls, der für CDR-Anfänger und CDR-Neulinge gleichermaßen geeignet ist.

Wir erklären, was CDR genau ist, wie man den „Sinn für digitale Verantwortung“ im Unternehmen verankert und wie man den nötigen kulturellen Wandel fördert und begleitet.


The presentation provides an initial impulse that is suitable for CDR beginners and CDR newcomers alike.

We explain what exactly CDR is, how to anchor the "sense of digital responsibility" in the company, and how to promote and accompany the necessary cultural change.


Karine Rübner

  • Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.

Karine Rübner grew up trilingual (Hebrew, German and French) in Nice and, after studying politics in Lille and Münster, she began her career as a project manager in a start-up for corporate social responsibility (CSR). Driven by the desire to play a more active role in shaping digitalisation in Germany and Europe, while focusing on people, she found her way to Berlin and The German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW) in December 2017.


Karine Rübner grew up trilingual (Hebrew, German and French) in Nice and, after studying politics in Lille and Münster, she began her career as a project manager in a start-up for corporate social responsibility (CSR). Driven by the desire to play a more active role in shaping digitalization in Germany and Europe, while focusing on people, she found her way to Berlin and the German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW) in December 2017. Since then, Karine has been working there as an advisor and is responsible for the department "New Work" and the department "Digital Responsibility", which she founded. Together with the members of the BVDW she developed the "CDR Building Bloxx – The Framework for Strategy and Implementation of CDR".