Technical communication in cyber security

  • Fachvortrag
  • 09. November
  • 13:00 - 13:45 PM (MEZ)
  • Channel D
  • beendet
  • Folien
  • John Kearney


Cyber security is not just about hacking or coming up with technical tools and tricks to counter hackers. The ability to clearly communicate complex information is vital in the ongoing effort to help people be more secure.


In my talk, I hope to cover ways in which writers can help cyber professionals, and also what we can learn from them to produce better and safer content in other areas.

Das lernen Sie

  • Why cyber security needs people with our skills.
  • Good security principles.
  • How to write for users and not for your attackers.
  • Using your tech comm skills to improve security for your organisation and services.


Anyone in technical communication, from entry level to advanced.


No prior knowledge of cyber security is required, but curiosity is welcome!


John Kearney


John is a technical communication consultant with over 20 years of experience. He worked in cyber security early in his career, returning in 2018. Since then he has worked alongside security specialists to produce user-centered content in the public and private sectors. His pronouns are he/him.