Software Vendors: A necessary evil or your new BFF?

  • Fachvortrag
  • Projekt-, Team- und Kostenmanagement in der Technischen Kommunikation
  • 10. November
  • 14:30 - 15:15 PM (MEZ)
  • Channel C
  • beendet
  • Folien
  • Tristan Mitchell

    • DeltaXML Ltd


Technical Communication as a discipline inevitably leads to reliance on software tools and that means interacting with vendors. How do you make the most out of those interactions to ensure the success of your software projects and what role does an independent consultant play when multiple vendors are involved? We will include an intro to software product management and the role you can play to help vendors produce the best software for you.

Das lernen Sie

  • Tips for dealing with vendors and consultants. Get the most out of interactions with sales
  • An overview of product management - how vendors create products
  • Tips for helping vendors to help you. Reaching that win-win scenario


No prior knowledge is needed. The presentation aims to encourage technical communicators to foster healthy dialogue with software vendors. Anyone who might be involved in selecting or using software is a relevant audience member.


Tristan Mitchell

  • DeltaXML Ltd

Tristan is the Product Director at DeltaXML, a technology company with world-leading software and SaaS products for the management of change in structured content. He has responsibility for the product lifecycle of all existing and future products.