Nordic Panel discussion – Identity, skills and competencies and how you make yourself more visible

  • Satellitenkonferenz
  • Karriere- und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
  • 09. November
  • 17:30 - 18:30 PM (MEZ)
  • Satellite Conferences
  • beendet
  • Keine Folien hochgeladen
  •  Maiken Blok

    Maiken Blok

    • TimeLog


We want to tie the day‘s presentations of the Nordic satellite conference together with a panel discussion with a Nordic angle on identity, skills, competencies and specific actions people can take to make themselves more visible within their companies and in the industries we as technical communicators navigate in.


  • Thomas Bro-Rasmussen, owner and founder of TBRO
  • Eeva Viljanen, Chair STVY Finland
  • Holger Thater, Vice President tekom Danmark
  • Björn Nord, Vice President tekom Sweden

Das lernen Sie

You‘ll gain insights from experienced people representing Denmark, Sweden and Finland through lively discussions. You‘ll get specific tips on how you make yourself more visible.


None, we‘ll answer questions from the audience or do a general discussion of prepared topics.


 Maiken Blok

Maiken Blok

  • TimeLog

Maiken thrives as a Technical Communicator. She loves to share her knowledge about the profession and guide others in the same direction. She entered the TC world by coincidence, when she got the opportunity to combine her interest for cultural communication, languages and writing at TimeLog A/S.