Minimalism for the win: User-centered content for Industry 5.0

  • Satellitenkonferenz
  • Intelligente Bereitstellung von Nutzerinformation
  • 09. November
  • 13:00 - 13:45 PM (MEZ)
  • beendet
  • Folien
  •  Hanna Heinonen

    Hanna Heinonen

    • KONE Corporation


With the rise of Industry 5.0, the focus is shifting from connectivity to the user. While creating information intelligent enough for Industry 4.0, we also need to think about the content we deliver to the user. Our presentation covers how and why user-centered minimalism is an excellent approach for designing content and includes examples of content designed for small screens such as XR devices.

Das lernen Sie

You will discover how minimalism helps you create user-centered content that works in multiple output channels. We show actual examples and share insights from user testing with small screens.


Basics of technical writing, basics of DITA XML


 Hanna Heinonen

Hanna Heinonen

  • KONE Corporation

Hanna Heinonen is a doctoral researcher at Tampere University and the Digital Content Lead at KONE Corporation. She is especially interested in the role and potential of XR technologies for technical communication. Contact her at