The Italian Conundrum

  • Satellite Conferences
  • International Management
  • 09. November
  • 16:00 - 16:45 PM (CET)
  • Satellite Conferences
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  • MR Thomas Bro-Rasmussen

    MR Thomas Bro-Rasmussen

    • TBRO


In the world of technical documentation, the intricacy, and multitude of possibilities have grown considerably over the years. Now lately pushed by an increased demand of adhering to a ton of regulations. It has not become easier.

Yet the focus in the niche corner of many companies is neglected in far too many instances. My claim is that this is due to lack of knowledge on a wide range of the steps involved in producing technical documentation. And this lack of knowledge is on management level.

I’m not talking about mismanagement. That would require knowledge and action taken on this knowledge. Nothing happens. That’s the problem.

The ultimate end result is that expenses in this niche area of a company is bloated and out of proportion. In contract to a solution, based on knowledge and proactive actions, where the expenses are kept to a minimum.

I will in my presentation challenge some of these behaviours (or lack of) in many companies. Suggest a solution to the problem. And spice it up with some horrendous figures.


Hopefully that it is highly needed, that a change of focus in technical documentation must occur. And that change must be at management level.


MR Thomas Bro-Rasmussen

MR Thomas Bro-Rasmussen

  • TBRO

Thomas Bro-Rasmussen graduated as M.Sc. in human physiology, biochemistry, and biology, but has spent the past 30 years in the world of computer graphics and communication. Thomas has equally divided his expertise between design, training, and development. His expertise ranges from the intricacy of adjusting a glyph in a font to the million-page technical documentation.