Creating Successful Users: Tactics and Experiments in Software Onboarding

  • Software Documentation
  • 09. June
  • 09:30 - 10:30 AM (CET)
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  •  Anton Bollen

    Anton Bollen

    • TechSmith Corporation


How long does it take your new users to connect with the value of your software? Effective user onboarding is key to software adoption and building long-time users. But is your content team doing everything it can to enable this success?

I will share industry norms, insights from TechSmith's own user onboarding initiatives and customer preference data, and you will leave with tips for developing and testing your own user onboarding tactics.


  • Key principles of user onboarding,
  • How to identify users' "Jobs to be done"
  • What onboarding formats do users prefer (and how to find out)
  • Product usage analytics can drive onboarding content strategy
  • Results from onboarding experiments

Prior knowledge

This session is targeted at beginners and requires no prior knowledge.


 Anton Bollen

Anton Bollen

  • TechSmith Corporation

Als Kunden- und Marktstratege mit einem Hintergrund in Instructional Design arbeitet Anton Bollen eng mit der europäischen Anwenderbasis von TechSmith zusammen, um Unternehmen bei der Erstellung und Verwendung von Bildern und Videos in ihrer Technischen Kommunikation zu unterstützen. Er ist in Berlin ansässig.