Sponsored Session: Boost your career with TCTrainNet

  • Exhibitor presentations
  • Software Documentation
  • 10. June
  • 12:45 - 13:30 PM (CET)
  • Channel B
  • finished
  • No presentation slides uploaded
  •  Christine Keller

    Christine Keller

    • tcworld GmbH
  •  Monika Engelke

    Monika Engelke

    • tcworld GmbH


TCTrainNet is an English language online training program which prepares for the tekom certification as „Technical Communicator – tekom“. We would like to give you an overview of the market in technical communication. Furthermore we will give you an insight into the contents and benefits of the online training program that is based on the tekom competence framework.


 Christine Keller

Christine Keller

  • tcworld GmbH

Ms. Christine Keller, tcworld GmbH , works in the area of online training and is responsible for consulting and business development of TCTrainNet. In the area of international events, she organizes the conferences in India and China.

 Monika Engelke

Monika Engelke

  • tcworld GmbH

Ms. Monika Engelke, tcworld GmbH, works in the area of online training. In addition to consulting for TCTrainNet, she is also responsible for marketing and the organization of the international tekom examination.