Getting Started with Screencasting and Video Tutorials

  • Software Documentation
  • 10. June
  • 09:30 - 11:00 AM (CET)
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  •  Anton Bollen

    Anton Bollen

    • TechSmith Corporation


Screencasts are a popular and effective medium for documenting software steps and onboarding users. The task of creating these videos often falls on technical communicators, but it can feel overwhelming to get started and find ways to level up those skills quickly. There are many factors to consider, but which ones matter the most and how do you start?


Following an introduction to the workflow and best practices for creating screencasts, workshop attendees will be taken on an interactive journey where their live input will decide the editing and outcome of an actual screencast.

Prior knowledge

This session is targeted at beginners and requires no prior knowledge.


 Anton Bollen

Anton Bollen

  • TechSmith Corporation

Als Kunden- und Marktstratege mit einem Hintergrund in Instructional Design arbeitet Anton Bollen eng mit der europäischen Anwenderbasis von TechSmith zusammen, um Unternehmen bei der Erstellung und Verwendung von Bildern und Videos in ihrer Technischen Kommunikation zu unterstützen. Er ist in Berlin ansässig.